I encourage all of you to go to resale shops!
4 reasons why you should:
1) They're cheap.
2) You'll find lots of things that no one has, if you go to some name brand place everyone else will have that to.
3) My style is more vintage and resale shops are the place to go, they almost aways have sweet belts, skirts, I have found many cardigans there and you'll always find one of a kind things to suit your style
4) I shop at resale shops so it's totally cool! some of you may have just decided not to because of that... ;)
Fashion Xchange, this store is my favorite resale shop, their clothes are in good condition and relitivly cheap. They also are great for dresses, they're very cheap and always have new ones. Some prices are expensive for a consignment store, but cheaper than new, and they are in good condition.
Oh, I like that shop, even though I don't really shop there!!